About the Journal
Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection, is a scientific and periodic Journal that covers various aspects of plant protection, in the areas of agricultural biology, environmental biology and crop protection. It also falls into the multidiscipline of mycology, bacteriology, virology, nematology, weed science, etc, as it affects protection of agricultural crops. Review articles, original research reports and short communication are welcome from authors for publication in the Journal.
Current Issue

Editorial Team
Prof. C. G. Afolabi: Editor-in-Chief
Prof. A. Onekutu : Deputy Editor-in-Chief/Entomology
Prof. D. Gwary: Plant Mycology
Prof. T. I. Olabiyi: Plant Nematology
Prof. D.B. Ishaya: Weed Science
Prof. T. Owolabi: Plant Virology
Prof. B. Bdliya: Plant Bacteriology